DWI, Traffic & Driver License Issues

Getting You Back On The Road After A DWI Or A Traffic Violation

Being arrested for a DWI or a traffic violation or losing your driving privileges in Texas can change your life. Your career could be at risk if you hold a commercial driver’s license (CDL), and drunk driving convictions can end up on your permanent criminal record, closing the door on many job, housing and volunteer opportunities that come your way.

Our founding attorney at the Law Offices of Derek C. Weinbrenner, PLLC, will fight for your right to travel in Fort Worth, Dallas and the Metroplex region. Attorney Derek Weinbrenner can help you accurately assess what you are facing. Derek will listen to your goals and concerns and help you respond to the charges in a way that will protect your future.

Understanding DWI And Traffic Charges In Texas

In Texas, most traffic violations are considered Class C misdemeanors. Hiring a defense lawyer can help you navigate the Class C process and pay only the fines you actually owe.

For those over 21, first-time Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) charges are a Class B misdemeanor and can escalate to a third-degree felony by your third conviction. All DWI convictions potentially carry jail time, heavy fines and the suspension of your driver’s license. A driver under the age of 21 with any alcohol found in their system can be convicted of Driving Under the Influence (DUI), which is a Class C misdemeanor that carries a $500 fine and suspension of driving privileges for 60 days. Minors with a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of more than 0.08 percent are subject to the same penalties as an adult DWI charge.

The consequences of DWI and DUI are harsh for a reason, but Derek can help you access resources that may help you a fresh start and not let your arrest ruin your life or your livelihood.

How Do I Get My Driver’s License Reinstated?

One of the most challenging practical aspects of a DWI conviction is having your driver’s license suspended. Our attorney can represent you at the administrative hearing related to your driver’s license. He can help you apply for a restricted interlock license, which allows you to drive a vehicle outfitted with an interlock ignition device for the length of the suspension period. This can help you keep your job or stay in school, thus continuing with your daily life as you move forward after your drunk driving arrest.

Call The Law Offices of Derek C. Weinbrenner, PLLC, And Leave Your Worries Behind

Your DWI or traffic violation may seem to threaten all you’ve worked to build in your life, but Derek can often find a way to minimize their impact. For a free initial consultation, call our office in Fort Worth at (817) 720-6222 or send us an email message.